Sporting Stripes

Sporting Stripes

Beginner Soccer Program for 2-5 Year Olds

Sporting Stripes

Beginner Soccer Program for Boys & Girls,

2-5 Years Old

Sporting Stripes, presented by Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Kansas City, is a beginner soccer program for toddlers and young children, aged 2-5 years old.

Our program provides a safe and fun learning environment for your child to become engaged with soccer at its foundation.

Your child will reach basic, early developmental milestones in balance, coordination, socialization and emotional development.

Sporting Stripes helps prepare the Sporting KC soccer stars of the future!

Sporting Stripes Class Descriptions

Each class lasts 50 minutes and is limited to 10 players per coach.

Argyle Stripes

Ages 2-3

In Argyle Stripes, you and your child will engage in activities that focus on balance, coordination, motor skills and curiosity.

Classes include simple structured games and free-form learning environments.

Adult participation is required.

Sporting Blue Stripes

Ages 3-4

In Sporting Blue Stripes, we focus on nurturing your child’s independence.

Your child will engage in activities that focus on the basic, fundamental skills of soccer.

This includes structured activities where all participants will learn soccer through movement, imagination and creativity.

Indigo Stripes

Ages 4-5

In Indigo Stripes, your child will engage in activities that focus on basic soccer skills.

Classes include structured activities where participants will practice teamwork, building relationships and establishing trust. 

This class will prepare your child to play recreational soccer.

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